Sunday, May 10, 2009


In response to my April 23 post, I have concluded that while I am Gen-Y I am still a still just a product of my environment and a large part of that has nothing to do with technology. I make it in this world of technology. I got my cell phone in 10th grade unlike many others who had one way before, my ipod is only a little shuffle but serves its purpose, I got cable probably close to when I started college ( Yes, I grew up on PBS Wishbone, Arthur, Dragontales), I have no GPS system in my car, and really don't desire to. I just started texting seriously in the last 1 year about. I believe I am Gen-Y in the sense that I know how to interact and use the devices of my generation, as they come naturally however I am not dependent on them as I grew up without many of them. 
  Throughout the majority of this class I have grown to further appreciate the use of technology and the applications these uses provide, however I also have grown to further appreciate the foundations that were here before technology: Communication, conversation, love, and the value of things that take time. I value both types, however, everything needs a balance. 

Twitter: I Don't Get It, But Someone Must

         While driving to the gas station on Saturday, I was listening to C-Span radio (90.1fm) as they discussed the upcoming Correspondents' Dinner with President Obama, that was to occur later that evening. For all who don't know, the dinner is held to, "raise money for scholarships and honor professional recipients for journalism awards." (Washington Post) As sad as it may sound, I have never really heard much about this dinner prior to this year. The radio program discussed how it was a particularly special event this year as it was the President Obama's first dinner.  Several stars attended including comedian Wanda Sykes, Michael Steel, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Alicia Keys, and Kerry Washington, to name a few. 
   The program facilitator went on to interview another man about the large role twitter would play in the evenings events including the after-parties that would occur after the dinner. The attendees were set to tweet micro blogs of the nights happening to keep outsiders, interested fans, and those who will never experience the correspondents dinner themselves, updated and imagining they were there. 
     The talk of the use of twitter that night was with a positive tone, as if it were a really engaging and exciting component to the series of events. C-SPAN radio even posted its own twitter video links to Correspondent dinner videos and announced live video coverage of the dinner starting at 6pm for all who wanted to see. Huffington Post has also made itself available on twitter. Twitter-ers will label their tweets "#WHCA" or "#WHCD"
     While I don't often give twitter is possibly due credit, I must admit that twitter has given people a new way to stay connected, to interact, and to share information, briefly and quickly. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

Will the press gather dust??

    Our latest Thursday class discussion included some interesting thoughts and questions concerning the future of newspapers. Though measures to revive and maintain newspapers are being taken, will this really help? is the lack of and demand and support for newspapers and cry for more funding or more creative measures or is it the voice of the consumer sending a non-verbal message.
   I feel as though the consumers are making it pretty clear what they want their news to be like: interactive, accessible, fast, sharable, and most importantly internet based. Personally, I am very drawn to hard-copy texts and  feel that there is something lost with text online, however there is also a substantial gain that may outshine that of a physical book or newspaper. There is something attractive and engaging about being able to pull up the news you want, when you want it and in the form in which you want it. As we discussed in class there are so many new ways to display information including things like tag clouds. This appeals to people who respond more to visual images and want a quick summary of what is going on whether it be the polls, football score, or city deaths. 
     A perfect example can be illustrated concerning the recent swine flu epidemic. While searching for information concerning the flu I found and interactive map on USA today. INTERACTIVE SWINE FLU MAP To the right is a list of deaths and symptoms and to the left the color coded map shows the world and where confirmed, expected and confirmed cases have ben found. This page is extremely useful to the user who wants to know more instantly concerning the current movement of the flu. The map is free for all to use and is sharable to keep friends and family informed. 
     This is the types of news that I believe consumers want. I don't think that all hard copy newspapers have to end however I believe many will, being replaced with new, creative, evolving platforms for new to be read and shared.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


In hopefully 2 hours, I will be on the road headed toward Ohio till Monday. I tried my best to ensure that everything was taken care of before I leave including stuffing wedding invitations and working on Group Projects. The real test will be to see how connected I can stay while I am out of town. I should have access to a computer while I am away, however I'm not sure how reliable. The good news for this Gen Yer is that I have instant messaging (although who really really uses IM anymore?) access to several email accounts, including Yahoo, and internet access.
Last year in my Marketing class we discussed Generation Y who is pictured as tech-savvy, casual, connected young adults.

I have never really missed school much during the semester so this will be a trial run to see how equipped I am to stay connected, or how Gen Y can I prove my self to be. If my Helio fails me does this mean I need to update to an IPhone? Or if I have to search down a public library in the area does this mean I need to trade in my Mac Mini, for a Mac Air? If I cannot find my way with Mapquest directions or simple memory, do I need to invest in a decked-out GPS system? If my radio breaks or service fails will my little i pod shuffle contain enough to keep me entertain or do I need to think about purchasing its bigger brother the Nano (which would still leave me far behind.)

I suppose this will be a good test to determine how much do I fit in with this Gen-Y group that I belong to and whether I may be lagging a bit in my use of updated technology and the experience from owning multiple "essential" gadgets. We shall see how this experiment ends next week.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

After our class discussion with Asher Epstein, the Managing Director for the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship about how the process of making an idea into a useful tool that works is completed. I was curious how the internet played a role in innovation and creativity in allowing people to make something of their ideas. After doing a little searching around, I found quite a few websites that targeted people with ideas but didn't know what to do with them and websites for possible entrepreneurs.

This idea to use the internet to become one's own boss is now new concept and just one Google search of "use the internet to start a business" yields about 86,000,000 results.

There are quite a few results for starting a business using the internet

Website like BPlans and Palo Alto offers business plans people looking for organization and the tools to run a successful business.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Who wants a SECOND LIFE?



Last thursday, I was able to take a little time to go into second life and to test drive it a bit. After hearing many mixed reviews about this elaborate user-controlled virtual world I was extremely curious. Naturally drawn to games that enable one to act out real-life activities, i was immediately excited to create my own name and pick my own avatar. I really liked how the appearance portion was made to adjust so many features on the avatar, that the creature resulting could look as normal or as odd as the user preferred. I ran into some problems however, from a glitch of some sort that didn't allow me to make certain changes to my avatar. I was also disappointed at how long it took me to take off an unattractive beanie off of my head. Before I begin with all the things i did not like about second life, I must admit that it has great deal of potential and the process of creating a detailed avatar with a home is something that I would enjoy. The ability to fly and to transport to different world is quite amusing and entertaining. I enjoyed how many of the items in the game were interactive however (Now for the components I did not like) I found it very hard to interact with many of the items, because I found it so difficult to even navigate my walking in the game without walking straight past something, falling off of something, or running into someone. I am no computer engineer or web specialist but from what my class members said I believe it had to do with the connection or bandwidth (What is bandwidth exactly?). After our break from Second Life, I was not able to log back in though I am not sure as to why.

The second issue that I have with second life and the #1 reason why I would not actively use the program ( the #2 reason being that I personally do not have any productive reason to use it) is that it is filled with a lot of ill-natured activity and people fulfilling fantasies they would not likely engage in if in reality.

Since second life evolves to the demands of its users, I really wonder how second life began. Was it meant to be a platform where people participated in "illegal" and sexual actions or is that something created solely by its users, branching from hidden desires that law and moral made them unable to openly engage in?

I must say that Second Life signals red warning in my opinion and while no doubt entertaining and interesting it may be it flashes red warning lights to me. Updating one's avatar is only so intriguing for so long. I would venture to say that quite a few user have "stumbled" into Second Life's red light district after subscribing with the intention to initially socialize. I feel it is a platform by which many can become corrupted by spending too much time in the game. As many older people have said, it is not good to be idle. With the exceptions of the academic and business purposed of Second Life I do not see it benefiting anyone in the long term, especially until it is more regulated.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's the Point???

Who has ever wondered what in the world is going on with the comment section of YOUTUBE? Hundreds of pointless, cruel, advertisement-like comments combine to make a non-sensical pool of random comments that many no longer even attempt to read. At least this is what several people said in Media literacy class on Thursday. I began to search around wondering if anyone was as perplexed as myself, wondering what was the purpose of the comment section and why is it that is never seems to fulfill its seemingly conventional purpose; to critique the video.
Youtube Comments: Necessary, But Add No Value

is a blog/article by Bwana concerning Youtube comment. Bwana says, " Hardly anyone pays attention to anything prior to the last 10 comments, yet the videos with the most comments, get more views.

"What do these comments generally look like?" you ask. Well, let's take a look.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


After a semester of stress and pushing through the period on auto-pilot, some students determine in their mind to try and enjoy and really cherish the learning they are receiving and resolve to go to class and enjoy oneself. Okay, well maybe not some people, maybe just me. I tried I did, but it only lasts a while. By week three or four with assignments rolling in and what seems like more activities in the day than hours in the day that desire to relish the learning experience dwindles and fades until the week after finals.
Though this cycle will no doubt continue I still desire to learn more and new interesting things daily. I recently discovered that my phone is formatted for Wikipedia so I have been finding myself pulling up the events that occurred in History on that particular day of the month or random articles. If I hear of a particular person in History that I don't know of I can just look up their name and know all I need. In those times of boredom when I should probably be reading for a class I can add a little tidbit to my miscellaneous bank of knowledge. I think it is a really neat tool and it is so amazing how every bit of knowledge is at the fingertips without those same fingertips at a keyboard. I feel that there no excuse for anyone with basic technology to be uninformed after they are aware of it unless they desire not to know something.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Creepy Robot

I just saw this and thought it was extremely cool and odd.

Okay so at 12:37 am
I am finding this robot pretty cool also!

Check it out guys, this stuff is so NEAT! .......... and of course all possible and able to be shared through Media Platforms ; )

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tweet Tweet

As of Thursday 03/05/09 10:28am I am officially a twitter-er (maybe not quite the way to say it, eh?). Well actually I didn't and haven't done much yet so I guess I am not really "in" yet. To be honest it strikes me a a neat device but then almost irritates me (MyTwitterConfusion-yesyoumaylaugh) because I still don't quite get it. My lack-luster tweet record probably is very unexciting because i have no-one to tweet to.  Unlike so many others, I have not heard many striking things about twitter, nor did I know it was gathering faithful followers who were going from novice tweeters to Tweet Masters! 
   Wow! I do agree that there is something very Facebookey, and MySpace-Like like that would draw me to Twitter. I am entertained in informing people of meaningless, random facts about my thoughts, ideas, activities, and whereabouts. Though meaningless, the quirky, silly, blunt, and tell-all manner in which people tweet is still expected to create meaning and identity. All of the tweets about various tweets do merge to form an image of what one would want another to perceive them as. 
    it intrigues us to know what others are doing and to know that others care about what we are doing. The only question that I have to ask myself is, How long will Twitter last? Twitter has been around for a few years (Read It's Birth). Honestly I think Twitter would become a bore after a while, or perhaps I would force myself to stop using it when it became too time-consuming due to its lack of boredom. I am not quite sure, while I admit that twitters purpose for existence doesn't quite move me to be an avid user, there is a hint of fun and useless-usefullness that makes me not mind leaning how to use it. So..tweet on : )

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In Living Color?

Mysterious brideImage by sparktography via Flickr

I have decided to report in a new trend that may not be as much new as the fact that i am just finding out about it. While exploring remedies to a restricted guest list I was informed of a woman who had a wedding where the ceremony was broadcast online to other guests. Thinking this was a totally rare thing i set about finding how to DIY. What I found was that i was really out of the loop. There are several websites that allow Brides and Grooms to be to make a second wedding list and send out invites to a virtual wedding.
In other words guest can log in and watch the wedding in real-time since they can't be there. And if a guest misses it, no problem. The video is saved for a period of time to replay. What an absolutely neat idea!!! Now destination weddings seem more realistic, the remorseful Bride can dry her tears and give all her loved ones access to her special day even though the room capacity may object. The only catch is that (not yet at least) this wonderful option comes with a price. The prices are reasonable (except that one could really do all this stuff themselves if they had the knowhow. At Live Wedding Broadcast you can get a package for 10 guests for $100 and 2 hours of coverage, 25 guests for $150 and 2 hours, or 50 guests for $250 and 4 hours.

Who would have thought that media and technogoly would effects so many areas. Technology has reached out its fingertips and touched a bit of everyones world. It is so neat how technology and just a thought for a need to be fulfilled can totally rearrange an industry or a once common practice. In the case of weddings, they were once so traditional and maybe somewhat standard but now the options are endless. Brides and Planners have access to numerous supplies and resources and the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) logic has exploded.

Online Video Feed Website!!!

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Let's Rethink It...Just a Tad Maybe

National Anthem Sung 2008Image by Whiskeygonebad via Flickr

In one of our sessions in class, we were having a discussion about media and several people, including myself, expressed our feelings toward some of the simpler, more people oriented, "quality time with family" aspects that are separate from the media we see today. While I still believe that some things like board games, family discussions, story time, and activities (without the sound of a television, computer, or video game system in the background) are important and necessary in the cultivation of a tightly knit family, I think there may just be a way to incorporate these new forms of media in a way that really does promote closeness.
Sunday evening my fiance and our parents and I had dinner over their house and we really had a great time talking. I don't know how/why youtube got on exactly but once it started playing, it didn't stop. One person had a hilarious video to show and then someone else remembered their favorite and so it went. Starting with about 4 versions of the National Anthem that were hilarious disasters and continued as we watched
  • beauty pageants and models fall
  • a Police officer shoot himself in front of a classroom of kids and then pretend he didn't
  • a girl fall off of a table
  • a remix to music of a girl fall off of a table
  • a funny kid trying hard to sing
We all gathered around the computer and talked and laughed and joked and had a genuinely great time.
To add to this point I recently spoke to someone who said they had started playing Wii with their children which served as time together.

The more I think on this matter I can surely see some benefits both now and in the future. Maybe there can be an online community where parents and children can submit their favorite bedtime story creations, or possibly submit their own digital works of art into contests (they can do that now I'm sure!).
I can definitely see the internet, if utilized properly, as an enriching way to bring families closer, and develop adolescent skills.
Okay okay I admit, its not all bad ; )

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Thursday, February 19, 2009


This is totally irrelevant but Saturday was a very special day! I was attending a marriage conference last weekend which was great, I recommend it
But anywho, on Saturday my boyfriend proposed and it was amazing!! Ok : ) , back to New Media Frontiers!

Me Too??...

Animal CrossingImage via Wikipedia

Our class is reading WIKINOMICs which discusses a lot about collaboration. We have also read a bit of Convergence Culture. I would have thought that these were new things to me and i haven't participated in collaborating or communities but as i think about it, I have. When I heard another Animal crossing was coming out, I added my ideas for the new game to the board and someone was going to send out ideas to Nintendo. The website also has an area where you can meet people and schedule a time to meet in the game and trade items or just to play and talk and explore. I visited several towns and had someone over to mine.
Another way a community has aided me is through Yahoo Answers. I have asked numerous Wedding questions and DIY tips which people were happy to answer sometimes in rather rude ways but nevertheless I definitely got a mixture of answers. I have even used the Yahoo answers community to help me with calculus questions that I had. There are seriously all types of people on Yahoo who sit and wait for an engaging question to arise and then enjoy answering and racking up points for being a Top contributor.
The Knot has a similar set up that serves al types of Brides-to-Be. There are message boards for general topics and even boards separated by states so that Brides can find vendors in their area and get reviews. The site also includes Real Wedding through which people can share their own wedding themes and ideas through pictures.
There is so much that I have been involved in on-line that I guess I never noticed what I was becoming a part of and that things were changing and developing in the way that they have.

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

A more enjoyable life?

lazy saturdayImage by kandyjaxx via Flickr

I have recently come down with something similar to the flu which has kept me in bed for pretty much the entire day. It is pretty amazing when you think about it that with technology having evolved and expanding in the way that it has, that one could pretty much survive without ever leaving the house. as far as a job is concerned you could work from home and attend a meeting with the camera built into your MAC. Would communication with friends be a problem? Well, not really. Between Facebook, Video chat, IMing, text messaging and telephone you could communicate whenever, and wherever. If you were in a playful mood you could meet up with a friend in Nintendo DS's Animal Crossing and have a "day out" fishing.
After the long day "out" you will probably start to wonder about dinner but of course that poses no problem because you have your groceries delivered by ordering them online.
Any clothes, prescriptions etc could all be ordered online. Movies and music can be ordered online and now Blockbuster has taken after NetFlix and has an online ordering system for movies. With the creation of Wii fit, exercising could be accomplished with the console.
Never leaving home could become difficult for certain services however, but many simple functions have become available to us right in our homes. Whether it improves our overall quality of life can be debated but one thing is for certain: It is very intriguing.

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

First Blog:

Welcome to my blog!! This blog is all about NEW MEDIA FRONTIERS. Every week I plan to discuss something new in the Media Industry or expand upon what we are learning in class.
Recently in my Information Systems class we have been focusing on intellectual property. Thus far I have been assigned page upon page on what is going on in regard to IP. I felt that it definitely relates to my class.
One on the mains points expressed in the reading is that with all of the technology available and the access individuals have through the internet experiences can be both sweet and sour. For musicians authors and songwriters, the web hold endless possibilities for them to reach possible consumers and to inform just about anyone of their product or thoughts. While this can be good for business, the accessibility to so many people and so much technology people have the opportunity to misuse this gift. Though the issue of infringement is nothing new the more technology increases so does the need for updated form of copyright laws. People are trying to figure out a way to protect that artist or author when digital information can be reproduced so easily. This issue, however can pose harm not only to the economy and parties involved but can also pose even deadlier threats. The web enables virtually everyone, mentally disturbed or not to use the internet. This means that all types of people have the opportunity to false advertise, conjure scams, and seriously jeopardize individuals not only physically but also mentally. It seems that while the internet allows for freedom ad access to endless knowledge experts will find the most efficient way to regulate online crime.

I will attach some articles on the matter soon.