Sunday, May 10, 2009


In response to my April 23 post, I have concluded that while I am Gen-Y I am still a still just a product of my environment and a large part of that has nothing to do with technology. I make it in this world of technology. I got my cell phone in 10th grade unlike many others who had one way before, my ipod is only a little shuffle but serves its purpose, I got cable probably close to when I started college ( Yes, I grew up on PBS Wishbone, Arthur, Dragontales), I have no GPS system in my car, and really don't desire to. I just started texting seriously in the last 1 year about. I believe I am Gen-Y in the sense that I know how to interact and use the devices of my generation, as they come naturally however I am not dependent on them as I grew up without many of them. 
  Throughout the majority of this class I have grown to further appreciate the use of technology and the applications these uses provide, however I also have grown to further appreciate the foundations that were here before technology: Communication, conversation, love, and the value of things that take time. I value both types, however, everything needs a balance. 

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