Friday, May 1, 2009

Will the press gather dust??

    Our latest Thursday class discussion included some interesting thoughts and questions concerning the future of newspapers. Though measures to revive and maintain newspapers are being taken, will this really help? is the lack of and demand and support for newspapers and cry for more funding or more creative measures or is it the voice of the consumer sending a non-verbal message.
   I feel as though the consumers are making it pretty clear what they want their news to be like: interactive, accessible, fast, sharable, and most importantly internet based. Personally, I am very drawn to hard-copy texts and  feel that there is something lost with text online, however there is also a substantial gain that may outshine that of a physical book or newspaper. There is something attractive and engaging about being able to pull up the news you want, when you want it and in the form in which you want it. As we discussed in class there are so many new ways to display information including things like tag clouds. This appeals to people who respond more to visual images and want a quick summary of what is going on whether it be the polls, football score, or city deaths. 
     A perfect example can be illustrated concerning the recent swine flu epidemic. While searching for information concerning the flu I found and interactive map on USA today. INTERACTIVE SWINE FLU MAP To the right is a list of deaths and symptoms and to the left the color coded map shows the world and where confirmed, expected and confirmed cases have ben found. This page is extremely useful to the user who wants to know more instantly concerning the current movement of the flu. The map is free for all to use and is sharable to keep friends and family informed. 
     This is the types of news that I believe consumers want. I don't think that all hard copy newspapers have to end however I believe many will, being replaced with new, creative, evolving platforms for new to be read and shared.

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