Saturday, February 7, 2009

A more enjoyable life?

lazy saturdayImage by kandyjaxx via Flickr

I have recently come down with something similar to the flu which has kept me in bed for pretty much the entire day. It is pretty amazing when you think about it that with technology having evolved and expanding in the way that it has, that one could pretty much survive without ever leaving the house. as far as a job is concerned you could work from home and attend a meeting with the camera built into your MAC. Would communication with friends be a problem? Well, not really. Between Facebook, Video chat, IMing, text messaging and telephone you could communicate whenever, and wherever. If you were in a playful mood you could meet up with a friend in Nintendo DS's Animal Crossing and have a "day out" fishing.
After the long day "out" you will probably start to wonder about dinner but of course that poses no problem because you have your groceries delivered by ordering them online.
Any clothes, prescriptions etc could all be ordered online. Movies and music can be ordered online and now Blockbuster has taken after NetFlix and has an online ordering system for movies. With the creation of Wii fit, exercising could be accomplished with the console.
Never leaving home could become difficult for certain services however, but many simple functions have become available to us right in our homes. Whether it improves our overall quality of life can be debated but one thing is for certain: It is very intriguing.

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  1. I agree with you. It is becoming increasingly possible to simply stay at home and depend on technology to survive. The problem, in my mind, is that people are becoming too dependent. When you'd rather watch TV and chat to your friend during commercials than go outside and actually see this friend, something has gone wrong. Computers cannot replace our interactions with people... or at least they shouldn't.

    I think a lot of it has to do with how we are raised...

  2. It is truly amazing how much can be done with the click of a button these days. However the ability to entertain ourselves for hours on end contributes to many problems in American society. Kids are obese these days, and we blame it on TV, but I have no doubt that the computer adds to this as well. I don't know about you, but when I spend too much time by myself, I get depressed. Do you think that kids these days are more prone to depression due to new media frontiers? I think this is something worth looking into.

  3. i definitely think there's something to the fact that we as a society are replacing everyday interactions with virtual ones. i myself am guilty of this, particularly with online shopping.

    i'll admit it, i'm an addict. just the thought of perusing ebay to find the best deals makes me insides jump around with excitement.

    but too much time spent online and not interacting with others definitely affects me negatively. my motivation to do anything goes out the window, and i just lay around like a slug.

  4. Yeah I definately agree. There are things in life that you simply have to get up and get out to enjoy! Air, Sun, Laughter!!! Beautiful can't always be captured online!
