Saturday, January 31, 2009

First Blog:

Welcome to my blog!! This blog is all about NEW MEDIA FRONTIERS. Every week I plan to discuss something new in the Media Industry or expand upon what we are learning in class.
Recently in my Information Systems class we have been focusing on intellectual property. Thus far I have been assigned page upon page on what is going on in regard to IP. I felt that it definitely relates to my class.
One on the mains points expressed in the reading is that with all of the technology available and the access individuals have through the internet experiences can be both sweet and sour. For musicians authors and songwriters, the web hold endless possibilities for them to reach possible consumers and to inform just about anyone of their product or thoughts. While this can be good for business, the accessibility to so many people and so much technology people have the opportunity to misuse this gift. Though the issue of infringement is nothing new the more technology increases so does the need for updated form of copyright laws. People are trying to figure out a way to protect that artist or author when digital information can be reproduced so easily. This issue, however can pose harm not only to the economy and parties involved but can also pose even deadlier threats. The web enables virtually everyone, mentally disturbed or not to use the internet. This means that all types of people have the opportunity to false advertise, conjure scams, and seriously jeopardize individuals not only physically but also mentally. It seems that while the internet allows for freedom ad access to endless knowledge experts will find the most efficient way to regulate online crime.

I will attach some articles on the matter soon.

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