Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's the Point???

Who has ever wondered what in the world is going on with the comment section of YOUTUBE? Hundreds of pointless, cruel, advertisement-like comments combine to make a non-sensical pool of random comments that many no longer even attempt to read. At least this is what several people said in Media literacy class on Thursday. I began to search around wondering if anyone was as perplexed as myself, wondering what was the purpose of the comment section and why is it that is never seems to fulfill its seemingly conventional purpose; to critique the video.
Youtube Comments: Necessary, But Add No Value

is a blog/article by Bwana concerning Youtube comment. Bwana says, " Hardly anyone pays attention to anything prior to the last 10 comments, yet the videos with the most comments, get more views.

"What do these comments generally look like?" you ask. Well, let's take a look.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


After a semester of stress and pushing through the period on auto-pilot, some students determine in their mind to try and enjoy and really cherish the learning they are receiving and resolve to go to class and enjoy oneself. Okay, well maybe not some people, maybe just me. I tried I did, but it only lasts a while. By week three or four with assignments rolling in and what seems like more activities in the day than hours in the day that desire to relish the learning experience dwindles and fades until the week after finals.
Though this cycle will no doubt continue I still desire to learn more and new interesting things daily. I recently discovered that my phone is formatted for Wikipedia so I have been finding myself pulling up the events that occurred in History on that particular day of the month or random articles. If I hear of a particular person in History that I don't know of I can just look up their name and know all I need. In those times of boredom when I should probably be reading for a class I can add a little tidbit to my miscellaneous bank of knowledge. I think it is a really neat tool and it is so amazing how every bit of knowledge is at the fingertips without those same fingertips at a keyboard. I feel that there no excuse for anyone with basic technology to be uninformed after they are aware of it unless they desire not to know something.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Creepy Robot

I just saw this and thought it was extremely cool and odd.

Okay so at 12:37 am
I am finding this robot pretty cool also!

Check it out guys, this stuff is so NEAT! .......... and of course all possible and able to be shared through Media Platforms ; )

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tweet Tweet

As of Thursday 03/05/09 10:28am I am officially a twitter-er (maybe not quite the way to say it, eh?). Well actually I didn't and haven't done much yet so I guess I am not really "in" yet. To be honest it strikes me a a neat device but then almost irritates me (MyTwitterConfusion-yesyoumaylaugh) because I still don't quite get it. My lack-luster tweet record probably is very unexciting because i have no-one to tweet to.  Unlike so many others, I have not heard many striking things about twitter, nor did I know it was gathering faithful followers who were going from novice tweeters to Tweet Masters! 
   Wow! I do agree that there is something very Facebookey, and MySpace-Like like that would draw me to Twitter. I am entertained in informing people of meaningless, random facts about my thoughts, ideas, activities, and whereabouts. Though meaningless, the quirky, silly, blunt, and tell-all manner in which people tweet is still expected to create meaning and identity. All of the tweets about various tweets do merge to form an image of what one would want another to perceive them as. 
    it intrigues us to know what others are doing and to know that others care about what we are doing. The only question that I have to ask myself is, How long will Twitter last? Twitter has been around for a few years (Read It's Birth). Honestly I think Twitter would become a bore after a while, or perhaps I would force myself to stop using it when it became too time-consuming due to its lack of boredom. I am not quite sure, while I admit that twitters purpose for existence doesn't quite move me to be an avid user, there is a hint of fun and useless-usefullness that makes me not mind leaning how to use it. So..tweet on : )

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In Living Color?

Mysterious brideImage by sparktography via Flickr

I have decided to report in a new trend that may not be as much new as the fact that i am just finding out about it. While exploring remedies to a restricted guest list I was informed of a woman who had a wedding where the ceremony was broadcast online to other guests. Thinking this was a totally rare thing i set about finding how to DIY. What I found was that i was really out of the loop. There are several websites that allow Brides and Grooms to be to make a second wedding list and send out invites to a virtual wedding.
In other words guest can log in and watch the wedding in real-time since they can't be there. And if a guest misses it, no problem. The video is saved for a period of time to replay. What an absolutely neat idea!!! Now destination weddings seem more realistic, the remorseful Bride can dry her tears and give all her loved ones access to her special day even though the room capacity may object. The only catch is that (not yet at least) this wonderful option comes with a price. The prices are reasonable (except that one could really do all this stuff themselves if they had the knowhow. At Live Wedding Broadcast you can get a package for 10 guests for $100 and 2 hours of coverage, 25 guests for $150 and 2 hours, or 50 guests for $250 and 4 hours.

Who would have thought that media and technogoly would effects so many areas. Technology has reached out its fingertips and touched a bit of everyones world. It is so neat how technology and just a thought for a need to be fulfilled can totally rearrange an industry or a once common practice. In the case of weddings, they were once so traditional and maybe somewhat standard but now the options are endless. Brides and Planners have access to numerous supplies and resources and the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) logic has exploded.

Online Video Feed Website!!!





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